Academic and teaching staff Academic and teaching staff Teaching associates Former academic and teaching staff Dr. Juraj Benić, Assistant ProfessorComputer Science and Machine Learning Research Groupjbenic@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 8 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-835Dr. Mirta Benšić, Full ProfessorProbability, Mathematical Statistics and Data Science Research Groupmirta@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 24 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-890Dr. Krešimir Burazin, Full ProfessorApplied Mathematics and Optimization Research Groupkburazin@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 35 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-822Dr. Ivana Crnjac, Assistant ProfessorApplied Mathematics and Optimization Research Groupicrnjac@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 35 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-822Dr. Mateja Đumić, Assistant ProfessorComputer Science and Machine Learning Research Groupmdjumic@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 7 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-805Dr. Danijel Grahovac, Associate ProfessorProbability, Mathematical Statistics and Data Science Research Groupdgrahova@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 18 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-821Dr. Dragana Jankov Maširević, Full ProfessorProbability, Mathematical Statistics and Data Science Research Groupdjankov@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 30 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-824Dr. Jelena Jankov Pavlović, Assistant ProfessorApplied Mathematics and Optimization Research Groupjjankov@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 35 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-812Dr. Mirela Jukić Bokun, Associate ProfessorAlgebra, Analysis and Number Theory Research Groupmirela@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 19 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-842Dr. Ljerka Jukić Matić, Associate ProfessorGeometry and Mathematics Teaching Research Groupljukic@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 2 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-803Dr. Zdenka Kolar - Begović, Full ProfessorGeometry and Mathematics Teaching Research Groupzkolar@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 1 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-811Dr. Ivana Kuzmanović Ivičić, Assistant ProfessorApplied Mathematics and Optimization Research Groupikuzmano@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 3 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-816Dr. Snježana Majstorović Ergotić, Full ProfessorGeometry and Mathematics Teaching Research Groupsmajstor@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 19 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-843Dr. Tomislav Marošević, Associate ProfessorAlgebra, Analysis and Number Theory Research Grouptmarosev@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 25 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-807Dr. Ivan Matić, Full ProfessorAlgebra, Analysis and Number Theory Research Groupimatic@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 12 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-826Dr. Domagoj Matijević, Associate ProfessorComputer Science and Machine Learning Research Groupdomagoj@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 9 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-825Dr. Marija Miloloža Pandur, Assistant ProfessorApplied Mathematics and Optimization Research Groupmmiloloz@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 14 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-819Dr. Suzana Miodragović, Assistant ProfessorApplied Mathematics and Optimization Research Groupssusic@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 14 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-812Dr. Ivan Papić, Assistant ProfessorProbability, Mathematical Statistics and Data Science Research Groupipapic@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 14 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-812Dr. Ljiljana Primorac Gajčić, Assistant ProfessorGeometry and Mathematics Teaching Research Grouplprimora@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 15 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-819Dr. Mihaela Ribičić Penava, Full ProfessorAlgebra, Analysis and Number Theory Research Groupmihaela@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 20 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-823Dr. Kristian Sabo, Full ProfessorComputer Science and Machine Learning Research Groupksabo@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar 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Mathematics and Optimization Research Groupntruhar@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 4 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-817Dr. Matea Ugrica Vukojević, Assistant ProfessorApplied Mathematics and Optimization Research Groupmugrica@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 3 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-816Bartol BorozanComputer Science and Machine Learning Research Groupbborozan@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 5 (ground floor)Dr. Luka BorozanComputer Science and Machine Learning Research Grouplborozan@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 5 (ground floor)Dr. Darija Brajković ZorićAlgebra, Analysis and Number Theory Research Groupdbrajkovic@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 10 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-812Dr. Rebeka ČorićComputer Science and Machine Learning Research Grouprcoric@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 7 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-805Maja DamjanovićApplied Mathematics and Optimization Research Groupmandrije@mathos.hrOffice: 35 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-812Dr. Jurica MaltarComputer Science and Machine Learning Research Groupjmaltar@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 6 (ground floor)Dominik MihalčićProbability, Mathematical Statistics and Data Science Research Groupdmihalci@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 18 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-821Magdalena MikićProbability, Mathematical Statistics and Data Science Research Groupmmikic1@mathos.hrOffice: 15 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-819Tomislav PrusinaComputer Science and Machine Learning Research Grouptprusina@mathos.hrOffice: 8 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-835Josipa SabljoComputer Science and Machine Learning Research Groupjsabljo@mathos.hrOffice: 7 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-805Dr. Željka SalingerProbability, Mathematical Statistics and Data Science Research Groupzsalinge@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profilOffice: 18 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-821Nataša UjićProbability, Mathematical Statistics and Data Science Research Groupnujic@mathos.hrOffice: 30 (ground floor)Phone: +385-31-224-824Ivan VukovićApplied Mathematics and Optimization Research Groupivukovic@mathos.hrOffice: 35 (first floor)Phone: +385-31-224-812Dr. Davor Butković, Full ProfessorDr. Dragan Jukić, Full ProfessorGoogle Scholar profilDr. Šime Ungar, Full Professorsime@mathos.hrGoogle Scholar profil