Business analysis

Basic Information

E001 (2+1+1) - 4 ECTS credits

Introduce students to the basic concepts of business analysis with an emphasis on the financial aspect of SMEs. Learn the basic financial statements. Learn how to make and interpret horizontal and vertical analysis and analysis of financial indicators. Learn what business riskiness means and how it is measured. Learn long-term and short-term planning. Introduce students to various sources of financing. Introduce students to the most important investment criteria for evaluating the return on investment. Adopt basic concepts of capital budgeting. The emphasis is on applying these analyses to practical situations. In all calculations, students use Excel.


You can access the course content at the following link: PDF


  • Instructor: Dr. Nataša Šarlija, Full Professor
  • Supporting Instructor: Dr. Dražen Novaković

Basic literature

  1. Ross, Westerfield, Jordan; Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill, Boston, 2003.
  2. N. Šarlija, Recenzirani nastavni materijali dostupni na web stranici predmeta.

Additional literature

Teaching materials

The materials are available on the internal Teams channel of the course, through which all internal communication takes place. Students are required to register on the course’s Teams channel. The channel code for joining the course can be found in the schedule.