Operating systems Basic Information I067 (3+2+1) - 8 ECTS credits To define basic concepts and principles of the modern operating systems. To introduce the problematics of multi-threaded and multi-process computing, virtual memory, file system, input, output and interrupts. Students will gain an insight into modern concepts of virtualization, multi-processor and distributed systems as well as cloud-based systems. The notion of security will be introduced and put into the context of modern operating systems. Above mentioned concepts will be implemented and studied on the examples of real operating systems. You can access the course content at the following link: PDF Teachers Instructor: Dr. Juraj Benić, Assistant Professor Basic literature A. S. Tanenbaum, H. Bos, Modern Operating Systems, Fourth Edition, Global Edition, Pearson Education Limited, 2015. N. Nisan, S. Shocken, The elements of computing systems: building a modern computer from first principles, MIT press, 2021. www.nand2tetris.org Additional literature Teaching materials The materials are available on the internal Teams channel of the course, through which all internal communication takes place. Students are required to register on the course’s Teams channel. The channel code for joining the course can be found in the schedule.