Optimization and Applications seminar About The Optimization and Applications seminar was initiated in 2008 as part of the Joint Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Mathematics. Within the Seminar, members and guest speakers present original scientific papers and literature review papers. The Seminar’s scope includes various aspects of mathematical modeling, issues regarding parameter identification and estimation in mathematical models, statistical aspects of parameter identification and estimation problems in mathematical models, optimization problems, and applications of these in other natural and technical sciences. The Seminar takes place regularly on Wednesdays at noon. Seminars to be heldTamas Gabor Dozsa, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Mađarska: System Identification Using Rational Orthogonal Expansions, 9th of May 2025AbstractData-driven modeling, or the identification of dynamical systems, is an important problem in control engineering. Traditional approaches for linear systems (e.g., subspace methods, autoregressive models, etc.) usually choose a parameterized family of potential system models and use observed system behavior (i.e., inputs and outputs) to obtain optimal parameters. However, the initial selection of the considered model class can lead to errors if the assumed complexity (order) of the system is inaccurate. In this presentation, we cover recently introduced identification schemes for linear systems that do not rely on a priori assumptions about system complexity. The key idea behind the introduced frequency-domain methods is to approximate the transfer function of the system with appropriate rational orthogonal expansions. The coefficients of these expansions can then be used to recover dominant system poles using generalizations of classical results due to Daniel Bernoulli and Gaspard de Prony. Since the proposed identification procedures rely on a reasonable estimate of the frequency response, we also discuss numerically feasible methods to compute this from time-domain input and output data. Seminars held so farAcademic year 2024./2025.:Izv. prof. dr. sc. Maja Nedović, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad: Applications of special H−matrices, 12th of November 2024Abstract (PDF-en) Prof. dr. sc. Biljana Mihailović, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad: The algebraic solutions of interval linear systems with precise coefficient matrices, 12th of November 2024Abstract (PDF-en) Prof. Dr. Ivan Veselić, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund: Uncertainty relation and null control for sensor sets of decaying density and Schrödinger operators with power growth potentials, 16th of October 2024Abstract (PDF-en) Academic year 2023./2024.:Kurt Klement Gottwald, Faculty of Mathematics, Chemnitz University of Technology: Measuring Asymmetry, 25th of September 2024Abstract (PDF-hr) Abstract (PDF-en) Doc. dr. sc. Juraj Benić, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Sveučilište u Zagrebu: Upravljanje izravno pogonjenim hidrauličkim sustavima i primjena interneta stvari u hidraulici, 8th of May 2024Abstract (PDF-hr) Prof. Dr. Tobias Breiten, Institut für Mathematik, Technische Universität Berlin: On the approximability of Koopman-based operator Lyapunov equations, 26th of February 2024Abstract (PDF-en) Sandeep Kumar Soni, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: A generalised von-Neumann type decomposition in terms of Friedrichs systems, 13th of December 2023AbstractFriedrichs (1958) introduced the concept of symmetric positive systems (Friedrichs systems), in order to treat the differential equations that change their type (the Tricomi equation). The class of Friedrichs systems encompasses a wide variety of equations. A new interest arose in this area after the indroduction of operator-theoretic approach (abstract Friedrichs operators (2007)). While we continue to study Friedrichs systems using the theory of abstract Friedrichs operators, in parallel we also seek to develop the abstract theory. Recently, a von-Neumann type decomposition for the graph space of abstract Friedrichs operators has been proven. In this talk, we present a connection of abstract Friedrichs operators with symmetric and skew-symmetric operators. One immediate consequence of this approach is a generalised von- Neumann type decomposition for symmetric operators. Briefly, we also present recent results on Friedrichs systems.Bartol Borozan, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Marker gene selection, 18th of October 2023doc. dr. sc. Vedran Novoselac, Strojarski fakultet, Sveučilište u Slavonskom Brodu: Clustering Center Based Fixed Point Iterations Method, 4th of October 2023Abstract (PDF-hr) Academic year 2022./2023.:Antonio Jovanović, Fakultet primijenjene matematike i informatike, Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku: Optimization solver benchmarking, 27th of September 2023Abstract (PDF-hr) Antonio Jovanović, Fakultet primijenjene matematike i informatike, Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku: Art Gallery problem, 13th of September 2023Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Jelena Jankov Pavlović, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Optimal design of Kirchhoff-Love plates under the low-contrast assumption, 14th of June 2023Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Mateja Đumić, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Automatizirani razvoj heuristika za problem relokacije kontejnera, 7th of June 2023Abstract (PDF-hr) dr. sc. Domagoj Tolić, RIT Croatia, Dubrovnik: Combining the Pontryagin’s Principle and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation for Constrained Optimal Control, 9th of March 2023Abstract (PDF-hr) Ion Victor Gosea, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems: Data-driven model reduction of second-order systems based on harnessing the advantages of barycentric forms, 14th of December 2022Abstract (PDF-hr) Abstract (PDF-en) Academic year 2021./2022.:doc. dr. sc. Marko Đurasević, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Sveučilište u Zagrebu: Hiperheurističke metode za rješavanje kombinatornih optimizacijskih problema, 21st of September 2022Abstract (PDF-hr) dr. sc. Petar Mlinarić, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA: Interpolatory Conditions for L2-optimal Reduced-order Modeling, 14th of September 2022Abstract (PDF-hr) Miroslav Ćirić, Prirodoslovno matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu: Kvantitativni automati: Fundamentalni problemi i primjene, 27th of April 2022AbstractLuka Matijević, Matematički Institut SANU, Beograd: Variable Neighborhood Search for Multi-label Feature Selection, 13th of April 2022AbstractAbstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Ninoslav Truhar, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: On the best positions of dampers in mechanical systems, 2nd of March 2022Abstract (PDF-en) , : Finite time horizon mixed control of vibrational systems, 16th of February 2022AbstractAbstract (PDF-hr) Ranjan Kumar Das, Odjel za matematiku, Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku: Solving rational eigenvalue problems through linearizations, 26th of January 2022AbstractAbstract (PDF-hr) dr. sc. Petar Mlinarić, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA: Model Order Reduction for Parametric Stationary Problems, 22nd of December 2021AbstractDr. Krešimir Burazin, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Explicit energy bounds in 3D linearized elasticity and applications, 24th of November 2021AbstractComposite materials are mixtures of two or more constituent materials. They are prevalent in nature and among engineered materials, probably because they often combine (desired) attributes of the materials that they are made of. We are interested in elastic composites made by mixing two isotropic (linearly) elastic phases. One of the most prominent problems in structural mechanics is to describe all possible composites (known as the G-closure set) that can be achieved by mixing two materials (with or without prescribed ratio). While this "G-closure problem" still remains open, we have on our disposal various bounds on this set. Probably the most prominent representative among them are famous Hashin-Shtrinkman energy bounds, which have imposed themselves as the benchmark against which most experimental results are compared. While explicit calculation of bounds in two space dimensions has been done three decades ago, the procedure in three space dimensions requires a rather tedious and formidable calculations, and thus, up to date, it remained an open problem. We shall present an explicit calculation of Hashin-Shtrikman energy bounds in three space dimensions and discus some further perspectives yielded by these result, such as application in compliance minimization optimal design problem, in the modelling of the damage accumulation, as well as the coherent phase transitions. This is joint work with Ivana Crnjac and Marko VrdoljakDr. Jurica Maltar, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Visual place recognition: algorithms and image representation optimization, 20th of October 2021AbstractAbstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Ninoslav Truhar, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Problems which involve eigenvectors, 6th of October 2021Abstract (PDF-hr) Academic year 2020./2021.:Dr. Matea Ugrica Vukojević, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Frequency-weighted damping via non smooth optimization and fast computation of QEPs, 3rd of March 2021Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Domagoj Matijević, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Metric Multidimensional Scaling for Large Data Sets, 9th of December 2020Abstract link Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Zoran Tomljanović, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Sampling-free model reduction of systems with low-rank parameterization, 25th of November 2020AbstractSeminar se održava online u 12:00 putem Microsoft Teams aplikacije. linkAbstract (PDF-hr) Academic year 2019./2020.:Prof. dr. sc. Luka Grubišić, PMF-Matematički Odsjek, Sveučilište u Zagrebu: Računanje svojstvenih vrijednosti integracijom po konturi, 2nd of July 2020AbstractPredavanje će se održati online putem aplikacije GoToMeeting: www.gotomeeting.com/join/570689509Abstract (PDF-hr) Serkan Gugercin, Department of Mathematics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, SAD: An Introduction to Interpolatory Methods for Model Reduction (online lecture), 10th of June 2020AbstractThis lecture was organized within the Croatian Science Foundation project: Vibration Reduction in Mechanical Systems (IP-2019-04-6774, VIMS). Abstract (PDF-hr) Izv.prof.dr.sc.Marija Milošević , PMF – Departman za matematiku, Univerzitet u Nišu: Backward Euler and forward-backward Euler methods for pantograph stochastic differential equations, 29th of November 2019Abstract (PDF-hr) dr. sc. Tatjana Davidović, Matematički Institut SANU: Matheuristics - Hybrids Between Metaheuristics and Exact Solvers, 27th of November 2019Abstract (PDF-hr) Abstract (PDF-en) Academic year 2018./2019.:Ana Mimica, : Indefinitni skalarni produkt i J-ortogonalne baze, 3rd of July 2019Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Ivana Crnjac, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Optimality criteria method for optimal design problems in linearized elasticity, 26th of June 2019Abstract (PDF-hr) Istkhar Ali, Odjel za matematiku, Sveučilište J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku: A Note on Left and Right Eigenvalues of Quaternionic Matrices, 2nd of May 2019Abstract (PDF-hr) Petar Mlinarić, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Njemačka: System-Theoretic Model Order Reduction in pyMOR, 2nd of May 2019Abstract (PDF-hr) Vedran Novoselac, Strojarski fakultet u Slavonskom Brodu, Sveučilište u Osijeku: Clustering and Outlier Detection by the EM Algorithm based on the Restriction Principle, 27th of February 2019Abstract (PDF-hr) Istkhar Ali, Odjel za matematiku, Sveučilište J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku: Localization theorems for quaternionic matrices and their applications, 16th of January 2019Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Rudolf Scitovski, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Detection of some geometrical objects in the plane, 12th of December 2018Abstract (PDF-hr) Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Luka Borozan, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Rješavanje svojstvenog problema dijagonalne matrice s rang jedan ažuriranjem, 28th of November 2018Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Jelena Jankov Pavlović, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Homogenizacija jednadžbe elastične ploče, 17th of October 2018Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Ivana Crnjac, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Metoda uvjeta optimalnosti za zadaće optimalnog dizajna, 17th of October 2018Abstract (PDF-hr) Academic year 2017./2018.:Saša Stanko, Sveučilište u Zagrebu: Algoritmi za računanje dominantnih polova funkcije prijenosa, 27th of June 2018Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Matea Ugrica Vukojević, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Aproksimacije kvadratnih svojstvenih problema i primjene na optimizaciju prigušenja, 19th of June 2018Abstract (PDF-hr) Prof. dr. sc. Krešimir Veselić, Fernuniversitaet Hagen, Njemačka: O spektrima nekih relativističkih valnih jednadžbi, 6th of June 2018Abstract (PDF-hr) Izv. prof. dr. sc. Martin Lazar, Sveučilište u Dubrovniku: Optimal control of parabolic equations by spectral decomposition, 4th of April 2018Abstract (PDF-hr) Ana Klobučar, : Sign metoda za rješavanje Ljapunovljeve jednadžbe, 13th of March 2018AbstractNapomena: umjesto u uobičajenom terminu srijedom, seminar će se održati u utorak u 11:00 u D-9.Abstract (PDF-hr) Izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivica Nakić, PMF-Matematički Odsjek, Sveučilište u Zagrebu: Upravljivost jednadžbe provođenja topline u neograničenim područjima, 7th of February 2018Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Mirta Benšić, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Procjena distribucijskih parametara generaliziranom metodom najmanjih kvadrata i standardizacija empirijske distribucije, 31st of January 2018Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Ninoslav Truhar, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Kutovi izmedu svojstvenih potprostora; min - max ocjene II, 20th of December 2017AbstractModerator: Z. TomljanovićAbstract (PDF-hr) Prof. dr. sc. Rudolf Scitovski, doc. dr. sc. Danijel Grahovac, doc. dr. sc. Ratko Grbić, Sveučilište u Osijeku: A method for solving the multiple ellipses detection problem, 13th of December 2017Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Ninoslav Truhar, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Kutovi izmedu svojstvenih potprostora; min - max ocjene I, 6th of December 2017AbstractModerator: Z. TomljanovićAbstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Matea Ugrica Vukojević, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Usporedba parametarskih ocjena za pregušeni sustav, 15th of November 2017AbstractModerator: Z. TomljanovićAbstract (PDF-hr) Ivana Šain, PMF-Matematički Odsjek, Sveučilište u Zagrebu: Primjena rješenja Ljapunovljeve jednadžbe u optimizaciji viskoznosti prigušivača vibracijskog sustava, 8th of November 2017AbstractModerator: Z. TomljanovićAbstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Matea Ugrica Vukojević, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Optimizacija prigušenja vibracijskih sustava, 25th of October 2017AbstractModerator: D. GrahovacAbstract (PDF-hr) Academic year 2016./2017.:Alessandro Castagnotto, Technische Universität München: The advantages of surrogate models in optimal model reduction - H2 and H∞ perspectives, 12th of April 2017Abstract (PDF-en) Matthias Voigt, Technische Universitat Berlin: A greedy subspace method for computing the H-infinity-norm, 15th of March 2017AbstractWe consider the computation of the H-infinity-norm for transfer functions of a general class of linear and non-linear systems. We focus on the case where the state-space dimension is very large. We propose a subspace projection method to obtain approximations of the transfer function by interpolation techniques. The H-infinity-norms are computed for the resulting reduced functions, then the subspaces are refined by means of the optimal points on the imaginary axis where the maximum singular value of the reduced function is attained. In this way we obtain much better performance compared to existing methods.Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Jelena Jankov Pavlović, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Homogenizacija jednadžbe elastične ploče, 19th of October 2016Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Jelena Jankov Pavlović, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Optimalno hlađenje željeznih profila, 12th of October 2016Abstract (PDF-hr) Hrvoje Šikić, Matematički odjel, PMF, Sveučilište u Zagrebu: Stohastički model rasta leće u oku, 5th of October 2016Academic year 2015./2016.:Krešimir Veselić, FernUniversität in Hagen: O spektralnim svojstvima Klein-Gordonove jednadžbe, 11th of May 2016AbstractRazmatra se smetnja izoliranih vlastitih vrijednosti Klein-Gordonovog operatora te se unatoč njegovoj nehermitičnosti dokazuju ocjene analogne onima za hermitske operatore.Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Tomislav Marošević, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Pompeiu-Hausdorffova udaljenost između nekih skupova točaka, 4th of May 2016Abstract (PDF-hr) Mirta Benšić, Petar Taler, : Procjena dimenzije objekta iz neprecizne slike, 27th of April 2016AbstractMetodologija određivanja dimenzije objekta iz neprecizne slike koja će biti prezentirana temelji se na parametarskom statističkom modelu jednostavnog slučajnog uzorka iz distribucije nastale kao suma uniformne slučajne varijable i varijable slučajne greške. Slučajna greška se modelira raznim distribucijama sa simetričnom gustoćom. Osim opisa metode i statističkih svojstava procedure bit će predstavljen i R-program za procjenu nastao na temelju ovih modela.Abstract (PDF-hr) Adrew Barron, Yale University: Computationally feasible greedy algorithms for neural nets, 16th of March 2016AbstractPreviously, greedy algorithms have been shown to have good approximation and estimation properties for superpositions of a sigmoidal function or other ridge activation functions. In each step the parameters of a new sigmoid are fit to the residuals of the previous sigmoids. However, it remains a challenging task to produce guarantees for the parameter search for each sigmoid. Here we discuss developments of two algorithms for this task. One is an implementation of adaptive annealing, in which internal modifications of the sigmoid is made, allowing stability of the adaptive annealing solution. The other algorithm is a convergent nonlinear modification of the tensor methods of Anandkumar and her colleagues which allows optimization of the inner product of the residuals with certain sigmoids and related activation functions. This work is joint with Jason Klusowski.Abstract (PDF-en) Zlatko Drmač, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb: Robust computational methods for system and control theory, 3rd of February 2016AbstractWe discuss the importance of robust and accurate implementation of core numerical linear algebra procedures in computational methods for system and control theory. In particular, we stress the importance of error and perturbation analysis that identifies relevant condition numbers and guides computation with noisy data, and careful software implementation. The themes used as case studies include rational matrix valued least squares fitting (e.g. least squares fit to frequency response measurements of an LTI system), model order reduction issues (e.g. the Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method (DEIM)), accurate computation with structured matrices such as scaled Cauchy, Vandermonde and Hankel matrices. Abstract (PDF-en) , : Shifted Gompertzova distribucija: svojstva i problem procjene parametara, 16th of December 2015AbstractNa predavanju će biti predstavljena shifted Gompertzova distribucija. Iskazat će se njezina osnovna statistička svojstva, te pokazati povezanost ove distribucije s nekim modelima difuzije novog proizvoda. Posebna pažnja bit će posvećena različitim metodama za procjenu parametara, s naglaskom na metodu najmanjih kvadrata.Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Ninoslav Truhar, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Optimizacija prigušenja - globalni minimum, 9th of December 2015AbstractNa predavanju će biti prikazana dva rezultata o globalnim minimizatorima odgovarajućih funkcija cilja u svrhu optimizacije prigušenja u mehaničkim sustavima.Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Ivan Matić, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Relacija sačuvanja u teoriji reprezentacija, 2nd of December 2015Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Ivana Crnjac, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Efikasno računanje normi sustava, 28th of October 2015AbstractMnoge zadaće upravljanja podrazumijevaju zadržavanje određenih signala „malima“ unatoč utjecajima raznih perturbacija. Ukoliko matricu prijenosa shvatimo kao operator sa prostora inputa u prostor outputa, tada normom tog operatora možemo opisati performanse sustava za različite klase signala. Preciznije, performanse sustava mogu se predvidjeti ukoliko su H_2 ili H_infty norme tog operatora male. Pokazat će se svojstva H_2 i H_infty normi pomoću kojih se one mogu efikasno računati, te će biti prezentirane neke metode računanja poput primjerice algoritma bisekcije za računanje H_infty norme i veza računanja H_2 norme sa Ljapunovljevom jednadžbom. Na kraju će se Ilustrirati primjene normi sustava. Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Ivana Crnjac, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Norme u upravljanju linearnim dinamičkim sustavom, 21st of October 2015AbstractNajvažniji cilj u upravljanju sustava je postići određene performanse sustava na efikasan način. Performanse sustava upravljanja možemo opisati u terminima veličine određenih signala. Primjerice, performanse sustava za praćenje mogu se izmjeriti veličinom signala koji prati pogrešku. Na predavanju će se prezentirati različiti načini opisivanja veličine signala, odnosno nekoliko normi kojima možemo prikazati različite klase signala. Uvest će se Hardyjevi prostori H_2 i H_infty koji su važni za praćenje performasi sustava, ali i mjerenje kvalitete aproksimacije kod raznih aproksimacijskih metoda u teoriji sustava. Nadalje, za različite ulazne signale prikazat će se veze između ulaznih i izlaznih podataka.Abstract (PDF-hr) Academic year 2014./2015.:Dr. Krešimir Burazin, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Exact solutions in optimal design problems for stationary diffusion equation, 27th of May 2015Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Domagoj Matijević, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: On the bounded-hop power assignement problem, 13th of May 2015Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Kristian Sabo, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Matematički model za precizno određivanje dimenzije objekata izmjerenih s pogreškom, 22nd of April 2015Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Zoran Tomljanović, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Damping optimization in mechanical systems with external force, 15th of April 2015Abstract (PDF-en) , : Brzi aproksimacijski algoritmi za frakcionalni problem pakiranja i pokrivanja, 25th of March 2015Abstract (PDF-hr) Rudolf Scitovski, Tomislav Marošević, Ratko Grbić, University of Osijek: Multiple ellipses detection problem, 21st of January 2015Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Marija Miloloža Pandur, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Linearni vibracijski sistemi s jednodimenzionalnim prigušenjem, 12th of November 2014Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Danijel Grahovac, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Metoda procjene repnog indeksa, 29th of October 2014Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Snježana Majstorović Ergotić, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Kompleksne mreže čija modularna matrica ima najveću svojstvenu vrijednost jednaku nuli, 22nd of October 2014Abstract (PDF-hr) Academic year 2013./2014.:Dr. Suzana Miodragović, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Relativne perturbacijske ocjene ovisne o parametru i hiperbolički svojstveni problem, 26th of March 2014Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Suzana Miodragović, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Rotacija svojstvenog potprostora perturbiranih definitnih matričnih parova, 19th of March 2014Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Kristian Sabo, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Pregled ocjena donje međe kriterijske funkcije kod problema klasteriranja u smislu LS kvazimetričke funkcije, 12th of March 2014Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Tomislav Marošević, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Multiple circle detection by means of center-based clustering, 11th of December 2013Abstract (PDF-en) Luka Grubišić, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb: sin 2Ɵ teoremi za definitne matrične parove, 5th of December 2013Abstract (PDF-hr) Luka Grubišić, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb: Kato's square root theorem as a basis for relative estimation theory of eigenvalue approximation, 4th of December 2013Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Suzana Miodragović, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Optimalne relevantne perturbacijske ocjene za definitne matrične parove, 27th of November 2013Abstract (PDF-hr) André Schneider, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg: Model order reduction for dynamical systems with a lot of inputs and outputs, 20th of November 2013Abstract (PDF-en) Hermann Mena, University of Insbruck, Insbruck: Drugs, herbicides and numerical simulations, 30th of October 2013Abstract (PDF-en) Academic year 2012./2013.:Dr. Kristian Sabo, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Cluster separability in a partition and applications, 5th of June 2013Abstract (PDF-en) Rudolf Scitovski, Ivan Vazler, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Searching for a globally optimal partition ant applications, 22nd of May 2013Abstract (PDF-en) Gilles Caporossi, GERAD-Group for Research in Decision Analysis (multi university research center), Montreal, Canada: AutoGraphiX, a software for computer aided graph theory, 15th of May 2013Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Mirta Benšić, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: The generalized nonlinear least squares method applied for fitting distribution to data, 8th of May 2013Abstract (PDF-en) , : Blind decomposition of multispectral (RGB) image using sparse component analysis, 24th of April 2013Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Dragan Jukić, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: On the lp-norm estimation in a quasilinear regression model, 17th of April 2013Abstract (PDF-en) Thomas Mach, Dept. Computer Science, Leuven: Computing approximate extended Krylov subspaces without explicit inversion, 10th of April 2013Abstract (PDF-en) Jordan Stoyanov, Newcastle University, School of Mathematics & Statistics: Some problems from probability, combinatorics, number theory and analysis, 27th of March 2013Abstract (PDF-en) Jonas Denissen, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg: Trigonometric spline approximation bounds on the solution of linear time-periodic systems, 13th of March 2013Abstract (PDF-en) Academic year 2011./2012.:Matthias Voigt, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg: $\mathcal{H}_\infty$-Norm Computation for Large-Scale Descriptor Systems, 12th of September 2012Abstract (PDF-en) , : On parameter estimation in the Bass model by nonlinear least squares fitting the adoption curve, 25th of April 2012Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Rudolf Scitovski, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Optimizacija k-means algoritma, 4th of April 2012Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Kristian Sabo, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Ravnomjerna raspodjela broja birača po izbornim jedinicama na bazi matematičkog modela, 28th of March 2012Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Kristian Sabo, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Cluster stability in a partition and applications, 7th of March 2012Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Ninoslav Truhar, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: The Rotation of Eigenspaces of Perturbed Matrix Pairs, 21st of December 2011Abstract (PDF-hr) Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Ninoslav Truhar, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Perturbation of Partitioned Hermitian Generalized Eigenvalue Problem, 7th of December 2011Abstract (PDF-hr) Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Nenad Šuvak, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Recipročni gama procesi Ornstein-Uhlenbeckovog tipa, 23rd of November 2011Abstract (PDF-hr) Nikolai N. Leonenko, : Studentovi procesi, 16th of November 2011Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Dragan Jukić, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: On the parameter estimation problem in the Jelinski - Moranda model in software reliability, 26th of October 2011Abstract (PDF-en) Academic year 2010./2011.:Dr. Ivana Kuzmanović Ivičić, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Optimizacija rješenja parametarski ovisne Sylvesterove jednadžbe, 29th of June 2011Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Ivana Kuzmanović Ivičić, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Parametarski ovisna Sylvesterova jednadžba i primjene, 8th of June 2011Abstract (PDF-hr) Goran Igaly, PMF - Matematički odsjek, Sveučilište u Zagrebu: Matematički postupci u automatskom prevođenju, 11th of May 2011Vedran Novaković, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Sveučilište u Zagrebu: Jacobijev algoritam za CUDA platformu, 16th of February 2011Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Domagoj Matijević, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Uvod u numeričko računanje na grafičkim karticama uz pomoć CUDA-e, 9th of February 2011Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Danijel Grahovac, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: R programski jezik - osnovne informacije i pregled mogućnosti, 26th of January 2011Abstract (PDF-hr) Dragana Jankov, Tibor Pogány, : Andreev-Korkinov identitet, Saigoov hipergeometrijski frakcionalni operator integriranja i ${\rm Lip}_L(\alpha)$ funkcije, 12th of January 2011Abstract (PDF-hr) Rudolf Scitovski, Kristian Sabo, : Jednodimenzionalno l_1 grupiranje podataka na bazi traženja optimalnih centara, 3rd of November 2010Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Ninoslav Truhar, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Perturbacija generaliziranog hermitskog problema svojstvenih vrijednosti za blok dijagonalne matrične parove, 27th of October 2010Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Dragan Jukić, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: O problemu procjene parametara u Bassovu modelu širenja inovacija, 20th of October 2010Abstract (PDF-hr) Tibor Pogány, Pomorski fakultet, Sveučilište u Rijeci: Integralne reprezentacije funkcionalnih redova. Čebyšev--Saigo funkcional, 17th of October 2010Abstract (PDF-hr) Academic year 2009./2010.:Dr. Danijel Grahovac, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Least median of squares, 21st of April 2010Abstract (PDF-hr) Emre Mengi, : Lipschitz-based optimization of singular values, 7th of April 2010Abstract (PDF-en) Ivana Kuzmanović, K. Sabo, : Subgradijentne metode za minimizaciju konveksnih nediferencijabilnih funkcija, 17th of March 2010Abstract (PDF-hr) Andea Krajina, John Einmahl, Johan Segers, : An M-Estimator of Tail Dependence, 20th of January 2010Abstract (PDF-en) Dr. Nenad Šuvak, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Statistička analiza Pearsonovih difuzija s marginalnim distribucijama koje imaju teške repove, 16th of December 2009Abstract (PDF-hr) Dragana Jankov, Suzana Sušić, : Geometrijski medijan u ravnini, 9th of December 2009Abstract (PDF-en) Kristian Sabo, Rudolf Scitovski, Ivan Vazler, : Metoda za traženje najboljeg LAD-rješenja preodređenog sustava linearnih jednadžbi motivirano traženjem najbolje LAD-hiperravni, 2nd of December 2009Abstract (PDF-en) Rudolf Scitovski, Kristian Sabo, Ivan Vazler, : Matematički modeli za procjenu potrošnje prirodnog plina, 11th of November 2009Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Petar Taler, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Izgradnja raspodijeljenog računalnog sustava za učinkovito izvođenje paralelnih programa, 4th of November 2009Dorotea Dudaš, : Ekstrakcija centra vrtloženja iz trodimenzionalnih vektorskih polja, 28th of October 2009Abstract (PDF-hr) Academic year 2008./2009.:Dr. Ninoslav Truhar, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: O nekim svojstvima faktorizacija kvazidefinitnih matrica, 1st of July 2009Abstract (PDF-hr) Gordana Blagojević, D.Jukić, K.Sabo, R.Scitovski, : Matematički model endocitoze, 3rd of June 2009Dr. Zoran Tomljanović, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Optimizacija prigušenja u vibracijskim sistemima pomoću redukcije dimenzije sistema, 29th of April 2009Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Ninoslav Truhar, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Optimizacija prigušenja u vibracijskim sistemima i srodni problemi, 14th of January 2009Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Tomislav Marošević, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Optimizacija i neuronske mreže višeslojni perceptroni, 10th of December 2008Abstract (PDF-hr) Academic year 2007./2008.:Ivan Gutman, : Spektralna teorija grafova, 11th of June 2008, : TLS problem za 3-parametarski Weibullov model, 14th of May 2008Professor Krešimir Veselić, : Quadratic eigenvalue problem and damped oscillations, 9th of May 2008K. Elbassioni, Universität des Saarlandes: A brief introduction to combinatorial auctions, pricing and sponsored search on the Web, 7th of May 2008Dr. Domagoj Ševerdija, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Aproksimacijski algoritam baziran na Local search tehnici za k-median i facility location problem za skup točaka u metričkom pr, 23rd of April 2008Dr. Dragan Jukić, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Problem najmanjih kvadrata za 3-parametarski Weibullov model, 21st of March 2008Dr. Dragan Jukić, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Weibullov 3-parametarski model, 12th of March 2008Dr. Ivana Kuzmanović Ivičić, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Lokacija pravca u normiranom prostoru, 7th of March 2008Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Kristian Sabo, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Karakterizacija optimalnog rješenja linearne l_1 aproksimacije II, 20th of February 2008Abstract (PDF-hr) Dr. Kristian Sabo, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Karakterizacija optimalnog rješenja inearne l_1 aproksimacije I, 15th of February 2008Dr. Rudolf Scitovski, Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Fermat-Torricelli-Weberov problem, 13th of February 2008, : Linearna l_infty aproksimacija II, 23rd of January 2008Dr. Ivana Kuzmanović Ivičić, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek: Linearna l_infty aproksimacija I, 9th of January 2008 Location and time School of Applied Mathematics and InformaticsTrg Lj. Gaja 6,OsijekClassroom 2Wednesday at 12:00 Seminar Leaders Krešimir BurazinDanijel GrahovacRudolf ScitovskiZoran Tomljanović