Quality in higher education

At the School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, the responsibilities for quality assurance and improvement lie with the Commission for the Improvement and Assurance of the Quality of Higher Education and the Office for the Improvement and Assurance of the Quality of Higher Education. They collaborate with the Committee for the Improvement and Assurance of the Quality of Higher Education at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, the Center for the Improvement and Assurance of the Quality of Higher Education at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, the Agency for Science and Higher Education, as well as internal and external stakeholders within the School’s quality assurance system.

The Commission for Quality Enhancement and Assurance in Higher Education is composed of:

  1. Dr. Dragana Jankov Maširević, Full Professor, President of the Commission
  2. Dr. Nenad Šuvak, Associate Professor, teacher representative
  3. Dr. Mateja Đumić, Assistant Professor, teacher representative
  4. Dominik Mihalčić, assistant representative
  5. Tomislav Vinković, student representative
  6. Denis Sušac, Mono d.o.o. Osijek, representative of external stakeholders
  7. Krešimir Mlinarić, BE-terna Group Zagreb, representative of external stakeholders

The Regulations on the Structure and Functioning of the Quality Assurance System in Higher Education at the School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics specify in more detail the structure, functioning, and areas of evaluation of the system for the improvement and assurance of the quality of higher education at the School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics.

The quality policy at the School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics involves the implementation of activities and measures outlined in the School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics Development Strategy 2023-2027.

The Quality Assurance Manual of the School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics provides an overview of the activities and measures that the Faculty currently implements or plans to implement in building and enhancing the quality assurance system, as well as fostering a culture of quality at the Faculty. It is intended for all internal and external stakeholders of the quality assurance system and the broader public.