PhD student Antonio Jovanović 8 (ground floor) Google Scholar Profile School of Applied Mathematics and InformaticsJosip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Research Interests Machine learning Deep learning Degrees MSc in mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek, Croatia, 2021. BSc in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek, Croatia, 2019. Publications Teaching Konzultacije (Office Hours): Četvrtak (Thu) 12:00-14:00. Konzultacije su moguće i po dogovoru. Nastava Zimski semestar ak.god. 21./22. Strukture podataka i algoritmi I Ljetni semestar ak.god. 21./22. Strojno učenje Obrada prirodnog jezika tehnikama dubinskog učenja Ljetni semestar ak.god. 22./23. Strojno učenje Obrada prirodnog jezika tehnikama dubinskog učenja Nelinearna optimizacija Research Interests Degrees Publications Teaching