Assistant Professor

Jelena Jankov Pavlović
35 (1st floor)
School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics

Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Research Interests

Functional Analysis

Partial Differential Equations

Homogenization Theory and Applications in Optimal Design


PhD in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2019

MSc in mathematics, Financial Mathematics and Statistics, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek, Croatia, 2014

MSc in Mathematics and Computer Science Education, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek, Croatia, 2020

BSc in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek, Croatia, 2012


Journal Publications

  1. I. Crnjac, J. Jankov Pavlović, P. Kunštek, Optimal design of elastic plates, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 58/3 (2024), 1137-1151
  2. K. Burazin, S. Gutiérrez, J. Jankov Pavlović, Optimal design of Kirchhoff-Love plates under the low contrast assumption, Optimization and Engineering 2023 (2023)
  3. N. Antonić, K. Burazin, J. Jankov Pavlović, Small-amplitude homogenization of elastic plates via H-measures, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 102/5 (2022), 1-9
  4. K. Burazin, J. Jankov Pavlović, On the effective properties of composite elastic plate, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 495/1 (2021)
  5. K. Burazin, J. Jankov Pavlović, Small-amplitude homogenization of elastic plate equation, Applicable Analysis 100/5 (2021), 1039-1050
  6. K. Burazin, J. Jankov Pavlović, M. Vrdoljak, Homogenization of elastic plate equation, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 23/2 (2018), 190-204


  1. J. Jankov Pavlović, D. Gemeri, Trčati ili hodati po kiši, Matematičko fizički list 4/276 (2019)
  2. D. Jankov Maširević, J. Jankov Pavlović, Zanimljive rekurzije, Matematičko fizički list 3/259 (2015)
  3. K. Burazin, J. Jankov Pavlović, Glazba titrajuće žice, Osječki matematički list 14/1 (2014)


Research projects:

  • Homogenization and optimization in mechanics of solids The project is funded by Croatian Science Foundation (December 2023 – December 2027). Project leader: Krešimir Burazin.
  • Application of short-range and long-range dependent stochastic models (bilateral project with Faculty of Natural Sciences – Department of Mathematics, University of Niš, Serbia Project leaders: Nenad Šuvak (University of Osijek) and Jasmina Đorđević (University of Niš); Project funded by Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia and Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development of the Republic of Serbia) 
  • Homogenization, dimension reduction and structural optimization in continuum mechanics       

The project is funded by Croatian Science Foundation since 2018.  Project leader: prof. Igor Velčić from               University of Zagreb.


  • Damping optimization in mechanics systems excited with external force

Project run in 2015/16, supported by University of Osijek. Project leader: Zoran Tomljanović

  • Calculus of variations, optimisation and applications
    This is bilateral project with Serbia (cofinanced by Serbian Ministry of Science) that run from
            2016 until 2017. Project leaders: Krešimir Burazin from University of Osijek (croatian side)
            and prof. Nataša Krejić from University of Novi Sad (serbian side).



Project started in 2022 with project leader Snježana Majstorović.


Professional Activities

  • ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry) Council representative since January, 2024
  • EMYA  (European Mathematical Society Young Academy) member since 2024
Invited Lectures
  • Stručni skup nastavnika Matematika u primjenama, Osijek, Croatia, 2019
Schools and Conferences

-With talk:

  • 12th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 23-27, 2024
  • 9th European Congress of Mathematics, Sevilla, Spain, July 15-19, 2024
  • 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Hrvatska, July 2-5, 2024
  • International Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, Gaeta, Italy, May 20-24, 2024
  • International Mathematical Conference Analysis, Approximations and Applications, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, June 21-24, 2023
  • 11th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Brijuni, Croatia, September 5-9, 2022
  • Analysis, PDEs and Applications, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 19-25, 2022
  • Operators, generalized functions and related topics, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 21-24, 2021
  • Workshop on Control of Dynamical Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 14-16, 2021
  • Tenth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Brijuni, Croatia, September 14-18, 2020
  • International Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, Gaeta, Italy, May 20-24, 2019
  • ICMM 2019: International Conference on Material Modelling, London, United Kingdom, February 14-15, 2019
  • Ninth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Šibenik, Croatia, September 17-20, 2018
  • International Workshop on Optimal Control of Dynamical Systems and Applications, Osijek, Croatia, June 20-22, 2018
  • Applications of Generalized Functions in Harmonic Analysis, Mechanics, Stochastics and PDE, Novi Sad, Serbia, October 25 – 27, 2017
  • Partial Differential Equations, Optimal Design and Numerics, Benasque, Spain, August 20-29, 2017
  • Young Women in Harmonic Analysis and PDE, Bonn, Germany, December, 2-4 2016
  • International Conference on Generalized Functions, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 4-9, 2016


  • 3rd Workshop on Optimal Control of Dynamical Systems and Applications, Osijek, Croatia, March 28 – April 1, 2022
  • International Workshop on PDEs: analysis and modelling, Zagreb, Croatia, June 17-20, 2018
  • GMT, Shape Optimisation and Free Boundaries, Trieste, Italy, October 25-28, 2016
  • DAAD Intensive course on New Aspects of the Time Frequency Analysis involving Frechet Frames, Novi Sad, Serbia, September, 2016
  • International Workshop on PDEs: analysis and modelling; Celebrating 80th anniversary of professor Nedžad Limić, Zagreb, Croatia, June 19-22,2016
  • 6th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, June 14-17, 2016
  • Studentski posjet PMF-MO Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u okviru DAAD projekta “Center of Excellence of Applications of Mathematics”, 11.4.2016.-12.5.2016.
  • Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria, Perugia, Italy, July-August 2015
  • Nonsmooth Analysis with Applications, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2014
  • Microlocal Analysis, Wave Fronts and Propagation of Singularities, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 2013
  • DAAD International School on Linear Optimal Control of Dynamic Systems, Osijek, September 2013


Service Activities

  • Mathos Cup competition organization, 2024
  • Mathos Cup competition organization, 2023
  • PhD student symposium, poster “Homogenization of the elastic plate equation”, 2018
  • Science festival, workshop “Magic squares”, 2015, “Origami”, 2016 and “Solving real-world problems using logical-mathematical intelligence”, 2024
  • Evening of mathematics, lecture “Interesting recursions”, 2014
  • Winter school in mathematics, lecture „Interesting recursions”, 2013


Konzultacije (Office Hours):  Četvrtak (Thu) 13h. Konzultacije su moguće i po dogovoru.

Nastavne aktivnosti u zimskom semestru akademske 2024./2025.


Nastavne aktivnosti u ljetnom semestru akademske 2024./2025.


Nastavne aktivnosti u prošlosti (Past Courses)

  • Primijenjena matematika za računalnu znanost
  • Primjene diferencijalnog i integralnog računa II
  • Realna analiza
  • Građevinski i arhitektonski fakultet: Matematika I
  • Građevinski i arhitektonski fakultet: Matematika II
  • Odjel za fiziku: Diferencijalne jednadžbe
  • Odjel za fiziku: Matematika II – Integralni račun



  • Birthdate: March 26, 1991
  • Birthplace: Vukovar, Croatia·
  • Family: married.