
Mirta Benšić

Head of Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Data Science Research Group
24 (1st floor)
School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics

Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Research Interests

Statistical theory (estimators – asymptotic properties)

Statistical applications (medical statistics, econometrics)


PhD in  Mathematics,  University of Zagreb , 1997.

MSc in Mathematics,  University of Zagreb ,1990.

BSc in Mathematics and Physics, University of Osijek, Croatia, 1985.


Journal Publications

  1. P. Vukotić, V. Radolić, R. Svrkota, D. Stanić, T. Anđelić, R. Mrdak, B. Fuštić, M. Benšić, RADON in a high karst area of Montenegro – A case study, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 217/111669 (2025), 1-8
    The national radon surveys in Montenegro revealed that the highest annual average radon concentrations (CRn,ind) in ground floors of dwellings and schools were found in a rural region characterized as a typical high-karst area. In this region, spanning approximately 800 km2, CRn,ind values in 9 houses and 16 schools ranged from 219 to 2494 Bq/m3, with AM = 977 Bq/m3. To investigate the causes of these elevated indoor radon concentrations, the following parameters were measured near the 25 surveyed buildings: soil humidity, electrical conductivity, pH, activity concentrations of 226Ra, 238U, 235U, 232Th and 40K, radon concentration in soil gas (c), soil permeability for radon gas (k), and gamma dose rate in the air. The geogenic radon potential (GRP) of the location was calculated based on the measured values of c and k. As anticipated, the soil permeability in this karstic region was notably high, 1.53·10−11 m2 on average, resulting in elevated GRPs and radon indexes (RI). Therefore, 9 investigated locations were classified as having an Extremely High RI, and the other 9 as having Very High RI. Building characteristics, such as filling, wall material, floor slab quality (FSQ), window frames, and construction period, were also assessed. A multivariate regression analysis was performed to evaluate the relationship between CRn,ind and independent variables of geogenic origin, as well as those related to building construction. The optimal linear regression model, with predictor variables FSQ, c, k, GRP and 238U, can explain 29.1% of the variance of indoor radon concentrations.
  2. V. Barišić, Đ. Ačkar, I. Lončarević, J. Petrović, M. Benšić, D. Paulik, K. Doko, A. Jozinović, J. Babić, D. Šubarić, Cocoa Shell as a Bulking Agent in Nutritionally Improved Cocoa Spreads with Sugar Substitutes , Current research in nutrition and food science 12/3 (2024)
  3. N. Karakaš Janjić, T. Kalman Šipoš, V. Prelog, M. Benšić, Determination of the mechanical properties of recycled brick aggregate concrete by multivariate regression analysis, Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering 15/29 (2024), 151-167
    This study presents regression models for prediction of compressive strength and modulus of elasticity, applying variables such as the percentage of recycled brick aggregate replacement, cement content, and water-cement ratio. A comprehensive database was constructed, comprising data from 180 experimental tests conducted on recycled brick aggregate concrete. The database includes the findings of compressive strength and modulus of elasticity testing. Multivariate statistical analysis was performed on the data and prediction models were created. During the review of the existing literature, a research gap was observed, where the modulus of elasticity was always expressed with dependence on compressive strength. The modulus of elasticity and compressive strength are modelled separately using the values of the contents of the concrete mixture. From the derived equations, the relationship that the modulus of elasticity is the second root of the compressive strength is recognized, which is in accordance with the functional relationships of the modulus of elasticity and compressive strength determined by previous authors. These models were then evaluated and confirmed using a subset of 20 samples for compressive strength and 13 samples for modulus of elasticity, which were excluded from the main database. The main results confirmed the applicability of the proposed equations with acceptable accuracy for initial concrete mixtures and thus, can be used as guidelines by future researchers.
  4. A. Jozinović, J. Panak Balentić, Đ. Ačkar, M. Benšić, J. Babić, V. Barišić, A. Lončarić, B. Miličević, D. Šubarić, Nutritionally Valuable Components and Heat-Induced Contaminants in Extruded Snack Products Enriched with Defatted Press Cakes, Molecules 29/4 (2024), 791-804
    This research studies the influence of the addition of defatted press cakes (from the production of hazelnut, camelina, pumpkin, and hemp seed oil) on nutritionally important components: fibre, resistant starch, polyphenols, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), and acrylamide in directly and indirectly expanded snacks. The amounts of press cakes added to corn grits were 3, 6, and 9%. Extrusion was carried out in a laboratory single-screw extruder. For indirectly expanded products (SCFX), supercritical CO2 was injected during extrusion, and secondary expansion was completed in the microwave oven. The type and content of press cake, as well as the type of product, significantly influenced total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity. Press cakes increased the contents of both soluble and insoluble fibre (from 1.94% d. m. and 1.28% d. m. for extrudates without press cakes up to 3.17% d. m. and 6.94% d. m. for SCFX extrudates with press cakes, respectively), and resistant starch was not markedly influenced by their addition. The influence of the content of press cake on HMF was not significant, whereas the type of cake and the type of extrusion influenced HMF significantly. In a raw mixture of corn grits with 3% of pumpkin press cake, HMF was below the limit of detection, and the highest content was found in the classically extruded sample with the addition of 9% of camelina press cake (580 ppb). In all samples, the acrylamide content was below the limit of detection, indicating that safe products were obtained. This research shows potential for the implementation of supercritical CO2 extrusion in the production of safe, nutritionally improved snack products. Future research might bring about the design of cost-effective processes applicable in the industry.
  5. M. Zvonarić, M. Benšić, I. Barišić, T. Dokšanović, Prediction Models for Mechanical Properties of Cement-Bound Aggregate with Waste Rubber, Applied Sciences 14/1 (2024), 470-485
    The high stiffness of cement-bound aggregate (CBA) is recognized as its main drawback. The stiffness is described by the modulus of elasticity, which is difficult to determine precisely in CBA. Incorporating rubber in these mixtures reduces their stiffness, but mathematical models of the influence of rubber on the mechanical characteristics have not previously been defined. The scope of this research was to define a prediction model for the compressive strength (fc), dynamic modulus of elasticity (Edyn) and static modulus of elasticity (Est) based on the measured ultrasonic pulse velocity as a non-destructive test method. The difference between these two modules is based on the measurement method. Within this research, the cement and waste rubber content were varied, and the mechanical properties were determined for three curing periods. The Edyn was measured using the ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), while the Est was determined using three-dimensional digital image correlation (3D DIC). The influence of the amount of cement and rubber and the curing period on the UPV was determined. The development of prediction models for estimating the fc and Est of CBA modified with waste rubber based on the non-destructive test results is highlighted as the most significant contribution of this work. The curing period was statistically significant for the prediction of the Est, which points to the development of CBA elastic properties through different stages during the cement-hydration process. By contrast, the curing period was not statistically significant when estimating the fc, resulting in a simplified, practical and usable prediction model.
  6. M. Ostojčić, M. Cikoja, I. Flanjak, B. Bilić Rajs, T. Moslavac, M. Benšić, M. Brekalo, I. Strelec, S. Budžaki, The Influence of Qualitative Parameters of Waste Cooking Oils and Fat on Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Yield , Kemija u industriji: časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske 73/11-12 (2024), 439-447
  7. S. Guljaš, M. Benšić, Z. Krivdić Dupan, O. Pavlović, V. Krajina, D. Pavoković, P. Šmit Takač, M. Hranić, T. Salha, Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Study in Multiparametric Examination of the Prostate—Can We Make Better Use of It?, Tomography 8/3 (2022), 1509-1521
    We sought to investigate whether quantitative parameters from a dynamic contrast-enhanced study can be used to differentiate cancer from normal tissue and to determine a cut-off value of specific parameters that can predict malignancy more accurately, compared to the obturator internus muscle as a reference tissue. This retrospective study included 56 patients with biopsy proven prostate cancer (PCa) after multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI), with a total of 70 lesions; 39 were located in the peripheral zone, and 31 in the transition zone. The quantitative parameters for all patients were calculated in the detected lesion, morphologically normal prostate tissue and the obturator internus muscle. Increase in the Ktrans value was determined in lesion-to-muscle ratio by 3.974368, which is a cut-off value to differentiate between prostate cancer and normal prostate tissue, with specificity of 72.86% and sensitivity of 91.43%. We introduced a model to detect prostate cancer that combines Ktrans lesion-to-muscle ratio value and iAUC lesion-to-muscle ratio value, which is of higher accuracy compared to individual variables. Based on this model, we identified the optimal cut-off value with 100% sensitivity and 64.28% specificity. The use of quantitative DCE pharmacokinetic parameters compared to the obturator internus muscle as reference tissue leads to higher diagnostic accuracy for prostate cancer detection.
  8. I. Netinger-Grubeša, M. Benšić, M. Vračević, New methods for assessing brick resistance to freeze-thaw cycles, Materiales De Construcción 71 (2021)
    The aim of this research is to analyse the reliability of the existing methods, and find new ones, for assessing brick resistance to freeze-thaw cycles. A series of bricks were tested against a range of properties; compressive strength ratios pre- to post-freezing and Maage’s factor, were calculated. Using a database created in this way, an analysis of existing classifiers was carried out and new ones were established based on which bricks could be classified into resistant and non-resistant to freeze-thaw cycles. The median pore radius, the ratio of compressive strengths pre- to post-freezing and the water desorption coefficient at 180-360 minutes proved to be good classifiers with a clearly specified cut-off for the distinction between resistant and non-resistant bricks with an acceptable risk of a wrong decision. The ratio of compressive strengths pre to post freezing and the water desorption coefficient at 180-360 minutes were described using the pore system in the brick.
  9. V. Barišić, I. Flanjak, A. Tot, M. Budeč, M. Benšić, A. Jozinović, J. Babić, D. Šubarić, B. Miličević, Đ. Ačkar, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and acrylamide content of cocoa shell treated with high voltage electrical discharge, Food Control 110 (2020)
    5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and acrylamide, as products of Maillard’s reactions, are present in roasted cocoa shell. Since the cocoa shell is increasingly being researched for use in food enrichment due to high fiber content and polyphenols, it is necessary to solve the problem of components that can be harmful to human health. We evaluated the effect of high voltage electrical discharge (HVED) on colour, moisture, HMF and acrylamide content in cocoa shell obtained after roasting cocoa beans. The effects of concentration, frequency and time of cocoa shell treatment were investigated. HVED proved to be a successful method for reducing the content of acrylamide and HMF. In addition, darkening of samples was observed which could mean that further reactions of those components occurred.
  10. L. Jakobek, P. Margetić, Š. Kraljević, Š. Ukić, M. Benšić, A. Barron, Adsorption between quercetin derivatives and beta-glucan studied with a novel approach to modeling adsorption isotherms, Applied Sciences 10/ 1637 (2020), 1-16
    Interactions between polyphenols and fibers are important for polyphenol bioactivities, and have been studied in vitro with adsorption process and isotherms. But the theoretical interpretations of adsorption potentially can be affected by the method of isotherm modeling. The aim was to study the interactions between β-glucan and quercetin derivatives (quercetin-3-glucoside, quercetin-3-galactoside, quercetin-3-rhamnoside) by studying adsorption and to potentially improve the modeling of adsorption isotherms. Quercetin derivatives were determined by using spectrophotometric method. Experimental results were modeled with Langmuir, Dubinin-Radushkevich and Hill isotherms using non-linear regression, linear regression and improved non-linear regression. For improved non-linear regression, a code in R program was developed. All quercetin derivatives adsorbed onto the surface of -glucan. Improved non-linear regression gave somewhat lower errors and was more appropriate for adsorption interpretation. According to isotherms obtained with improved regression, it may be suggested that adsorption is higher for rhamnoside and glucoside of quercetin than for quercetin-3-galactoside which agrees with experimental results. Adsorption could be a physical process. The spatial arrangement of OH groups on the glycoside part of quercetin could affect the adsorption. In conclusion, a novel approach using improved non-linear regression has been shown to be a useful novel tool for the adsorption interpretation.


Leader of the following projects
  • The optimization and statistical models and methods in recognizing properties of data sets measured with errors, (Career development of young researchers – training of new PhDs, founded by Croatian Science Foundation, 2017-2021)
  • Exploration of optimization and estimation properties of Generalized method of moments and Nonlinear least squares (University of Osijek,  2016)
  • Statistical aspects of estimation problem in nonlinear parametric models (2006-2013, Croatian Ministry of Science)
  • Statistical aspects of parameter identification problems (2001-2006, Croatian Ministry of Science)
  • Incentive project for young scientists “Statistical aspects of the parameter identification problems” (1998-2000, Croatian Ministry of Science:)



Participation  in work of the following projects 

  • The characterization and modeling of radon concentration distribution in Montenegrin schools and kindergartens, researcher, leader: Pero Vukotić, academician, CANU (Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts) (founded by CANU, 2025)
  • Oleogels as Nutritive Improvers of Chocolate and Sweet Spreads, researcher, leader: Đurđica Ačkar (founded by Croatian Science Foundation, 2023-2027)
  • Regional Science Centre of Pannonian Croatia” (J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek – Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds), 2022- 2024.
  • “Development and application of the advanced building materials for construction of healthy buildings: protection from non-ionizing radiation”, (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek – European Regional Development Fund) – Project coordinator (MATHOS) (2020-2022)
  • The optimization and statistical models and methods in recognizing properties of data sets measured with errors, researcher, leader: Rudolf Scitovski (founded by Croatian Science Foundation, 2017-2021)
  • Limiting behavior of intermittent processes and diffusions, researcher, Project coordinator: Danijel Grahovac (UNIOS – ZUP 2018 – Youth Research Projects)
  • Frakcionalne Pearsonove difuzije, researcher, leader: Nenad Šuvak (founded by  University J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek, 2015-2016)
  • Stanična i tkivna diferencijacija tijekom razvoja biljnih organa, researcher, leader: Vera Cesar (founded by MZOS, 2007.-2013. )
  • Posttraumatski stresni poremećaj djece ratnh veterana: kauzalni model, konzultant
    leader: Ž. Vukšić-Mihaljević (founded by MZOS, 2001-2006)
  • Parameter identification problem in mathematical models, researcher
    leader: R. Scitovski (founded by MZOS, 1996-2000)
  • Teorijske i institucionalne pretpostavke poduzetničke ekonomije, istraživač
    leader: S. Singer (1991.-1996.)
  • Theory of probability and mathematical statistics, researcher
    leader: N. Sarapa (1991-1996)
  • Zakon vrijednosti u funkciji upravljanja razvojem, istraživač
    leader: S. Singer (1986-1990)

Professional Activities

Editorial Boards

Mathematical Communications

Osječki matematički list

Matematički kolokvijum (MAT-KOL), Banja Luka, ISSN 0354-6969, stručno-metodički časopis


Committee Memberships


Refereeing/Reviewing (Selection)


Mathematical Communications
Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Reliability
Inteligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management
Osječki matematički list
Matematički kolokvijum (MAT-KOL), Banja Luka, ISSN 0354-6969, stručno-metodički časopis

AMS Mathematical Review

Selected Service Activities
  • Head of Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Data Science Research Group
  • 2013-2017 – Head of the Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek
  • 2012-2013 – Member of the University board for quality assurance in higher education
  • 2008-2013 – Substitute Head of the Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek
  • 2008-2013 – member of the committee for teacher credentialing (Education and Teacher Training Agency)
  • 2005-2011 – Head of the Dept. of Mathematics board for quality assurance in higher education
  • 2001-2008 – Assistant Head of the Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek
  • 2000–2004 – Head of the Mathematical Colloquium in Osijek



Konzultacije (Office Hours):

Nakon termina nastave kolegija ili po dogovoru.

Kontaktirati me možete putem emaila.



Aktualna nastava:

Multivarijatna analiza (Multivariate Analysis), Fakultet primijenjena matematike i informatike

Statistika (Statistics), Fakultet primijenjena matematike i informatike

Vjerojatnost i statistika (Probability and Statistics), Građevinski i arhitektonski fakultet Osijek

Planiranje eksperimenata i obrada rezultata (Doktorski studij, Prehrambeno tehnološki fakultet Osijek)

Primijenjena multivarijatna statistika (Applied Multivariate Statistics) (Doktorski studij, Građevinski i arhitektonski fakultet Osijek)


Usmeni ispiti

Studenti koji su ostvarili pravo pristupanja usmenom ispitu trebaju odabrati termin i  prijaviti svoj dolazak najkasnije 7 dana prije odabranog termina korištenjem poveznice navedene ispod ovog odjeljka. Termini su navedeni na istoj poveznici. Naglašavam da je potrebno prijaviti ispit i preko ISVU sustava da bih mogla upisati ocjenu.  Ukoliko je prijavljeno pristupanje usmenom uspitu za jedan termin, eventualnu ponovnu prijavu moguće je napraviti nakon  14 dana.

 Poveznica za prijavu usmenih ispita 


Prijedlog tema diplomskih radova na Fakultetu primijenjena matematike i informatike

  1. Visokodimenzionalni linearni modeli i LASSO
  2. Modeliranje razlika u razlikama
  3. Regresija vremenskog niza
  4. Statistička analiza usklađenosti ocjenjivača
  5. Moguće su i druge teme u dogovoru sa zainteresiranim studentom





Primijenjena statistika (udžbenik, baze podataka)

Uvod u vjerojatnost i statistiku (udžbenik)

Projekt u nastavi matematike srednjih škola

Buffonov pokus u nastavi matematike


Nastava koju sam izvodila (Teaching experiance)

Na Odjelu za matematiku:

Uvod u vjerojatnost i statistiku (Introduction to Probability and Statistics)

Analiza vremenskih nizova (Time Series Analysis)

Statistički praktikum (Stat Labs)

Vjerojatnost (Probability)

Slučajni procesi (Random Processes)

Metodika nastave matematike 1

Metodika nastave matematike 2


Na ostalim sastavnicama Sveučilišta u Osijeku

Statistika (Statistics), Sveučilišni preddiplomski studij kineziologije

Matematika i statistika (Doktorski studij, Strojarski fakultet, Slavonski Brod)

Matematika 1, Matematika 2 (Ekonomski fakultet Osijek)

Teorijska statistika (Ekonomski fakultet Osijek)

Matematika 1, Matematika 2 (Prehrambeno tehnološki fakultet Osijek)

Primijenjena statistika (Građevinski fakultet Osijek)

Primijenjena statistika (Prehrambeno tehnološki fakultet Osijek)

Statistika (Učiteljski fakultet Osijek)


  • Birth year:  1961
  • Birthplace: Đakovo, Croatia
  • Citizenship: Croatian
  • Family: Married with two children (TinAnja)