Radovi Unos časopisa u bazu Povratak na radove Ovdje možete provjeriti nalazi li se časopis već u bazi: Acta Biotheoretica Algorithms for Molecular Biology Croatian Journal of Education Frontiers in endocrinology (Lausanne) IFAC-PapersOnLine Jazykovedný časopis Mathematics teaching for the future Pattern Analysis and Applications Robotics and Autonomous Systems TEM Journal VentilAbcACM Journal of Experimental AlgorithmicsActa Applicandae MathematicaeActa Biologica HungaricaACTA CLINICA CROATICAActa Mathematica HungaricaActa Mathematica Spalatensia. Series DidacticaActa Polytechnica HungaricaActa Universitatis Sapientiae MathematicaActive Learning in Higher EducationAdvances in Applied Clifford AlgebrasAdvances in Computational MathematicsAdvances in Data Analysis and ClassificationAequationes mathematicaeAlgorithmicaAlgorithmsAnalele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta Seria MatematicaAnnali dell'Universita' di Ferrara Annals of Mathematical Sciences and ApplicationsAnnals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science SeriesANZIAM Journal Aplimat - Journal of applied mathematicsApplicable AnalysisApplicable Analysis and Discrete MathematicsApplications of MathematicsApplied IntelligenceApplied Mathematical ModellingApplied Mathematics & Information SciencesApplied mathematics and computation Applied mathematics lettersApplied Numerical MathematicsApplied Radiation and IsotopesApplied SciencesApplied Soft ComputingArchiv für Tierzucht Ars CombinatoriaAsian-European Journal of MathematicsAxiomsBerichte der mathematisch-statistischen Sektion in der Forschungsgesellschaft Joanneum GrazBernoulliBioinformaticsBIT Numerical MathematicsBulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et PhysiquesBulletin Mathematique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de RoumanieBulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences SocietyČakavska rič : polugodišnjak za proučavanje čakavske riječiCenter for Educational Policy Studies JournalCentral European Journal of Operations Research Chaos, Solitons & FractalsCIT. Journal of Computing and Information TechnologyCollegium antropologicumCommentationes Mathematicae Universitatis CarolinaeCommunications in Mathematical SciencesCommunications in Partial Differential EquationsCommunications in Statistics - Theory and MethodsCommunications in statistics-simulation and computationCommunications is Statistics - Theory and Methods Communications on Pure and Applied AnalysisComputational Geometry - Theory and ApplicationsComputational Statistics & Data Analysis Computers & GeosciencesComputers & Industrial EngineeringComputers & Mathematics with ApplicationsComputers and Electronics in AgricultureComputingCroatian medical journalCroatian Operational Research Review Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics (CREBSS)Current research in nutrition and food scienceCzech J. Animal ScienceCzechoslovak Mathematical Journal Didactica Slovenica - Pedagoška ObzorjaDiscrete Applied MathematicsDiscussiones Mathematicae Probability and StatisticsDopovidi NAS of Ukrainee-Prime, advances in electrical engineering, electronics and energyEarth Science InformaticsEconomic analysis and worker's managementEkonomski pregledEkonomski vjesnikElectronic Journal of Differential EquationsElectronic Journal of Linear AlgebraElectronic Journal of ProbabilityElectronic Notes in Discrete MathematicsElectronic Transactions on Numerical AnalysisElektrotehnikaElemente der MathematikEnergiesEnergy conversion and management ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical AnalysisESAIM: Probability and StatisticsEuropean Journal of Applied PhysiologyEuropean Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsEuropean journal of science and mathematics educationExpert systems with applicationsFilomatFinancial Theory and PracticeFinancijska teorija i praksaFood ControlFoodsFoods and Raw materialsForestsForum MathematicumFractalsFractional Calculus and Applied AnalysisFuture Generation Computer SystemsGeodetski listGeometriae DedicataGeorgian Mathematical JournalGlasnik MatematičkiGlasnik matematičkiGraphs and CombinatoricsGrađevinarHigher Goals in Mathematics EducationHrvatska i komparativna javna uprava Hrvatski športskomedicinski vjesnikIEEE Transactions on Power SystemsIndagationes MathematicaeIndian Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsInformation Processing LettersInformation SciencesInjuryIntegral Transforms and Special FunctionsIntelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and ManagementInternational Journal for Engineering ModellingInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer ScienceInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics International Journal of Computational Geometry & ApplicationsInternational Journal of Computer MathematicsInternational Journal of Game-Based LearningInternational Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern PhysicsInternational Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and TechnologyInternational Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical SciencesInternational journal of numerical analysis and modelingInternational Journal of Parallel ProgrammingInternational Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsInternational Journal of Research in Education and ScienceInternational Mathematics Research NoticesInverse ProblemsInvestigations in Mathematics LearningIranian Journal of Fuzzy SystemsISRN Mathematical AnalysisIssues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers: The JournalJournal for Geometry and GraphicsJournal für Mathematik-DidaktikJournal of AlgebraJournal of Algebra and Its ApplicationsJournal of Applied MathematicsJournal of Applied Mathematics and MechanicsJournal of Approximation TheoryJournal of Classical AnalysisJournal of Computational and Applied MathematicsJournal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,Journal of Differential EquationsJournal of Evolution EquationsJournal of food process engineeringJournal of Global Optimization Journal of Inequalities and ApplicationsJournal of Inequalities and Special FunctionsJournal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied MathematicsJournal of Information and Organizational SciencesJournal of Language ModellingJournal of Lie TheoryJournal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsJournal of Mathematical InequalitiesJournal of mathematical physicsJournal of Mathematical PhysicsJournal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis and GeometryJournal of Open Research SoftwareJournal of optimization theory and applications Journal of SeismologyJournal of Statistical PhysicsJournal of Statistical Planning and InferenceJournal of sustainable development of energy, water and environment systemsJournal of The Franklin InstituteJournal of the Korean Statistical SocietyJournal of the Ramanujan Mathematical SocietyJournal of Theoretical ProbabilityJournal of Environmental Science and Engineering AKemija u industriji: časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske Knowledge-Based Systems KoG (Scientific and Professional Journal of Croatian Society for Geometry and Graphics) Kragujevac Journal of MathematicsKrmivaLiječnički vjesnikLinear algebra and its applicationsLinear and multilinear algebraLogic Journal of the IGPLMagistra IadertinaManuscripta MathematicaMarkov Processes and Related FieldsMATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer ChemistryMatematički biltenMatematički kolokvijum (MAT-KOL)Matematičko fizički listMatematika i školaMateriales De ConstrucciónMaterijalsMath.e : hrvatski matematički elektronski časopis Mathematica BalkanicaMathematica MontisnigriMathematica PannonicaMathematica Pannonica New SeriesMathematica SlovacaMathematical and Computer ModellingMathematical CommunicationsMathematical Communications - Supplement Mathematical Inequalities and ApplicationsMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciencies Mathematical Modelling and AnalysisMathematicsMathematics and Computers in SimulationMathematics Education (a.k.a International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education)Mathematics Teaching-Research JournalMathematics Teaching-Research JournalMathematische ZeitschriftMatka Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingMediterranean Journal of MathematicsMethodology and Computing in Applied ProbabilityMetodički oglediMiskolc Mathematical NotesMoleculesMonatshefte für MathematikNagoya Mathematical JournalNapredakNEUROSONOLOGY AND CEREBRAL HEMODYNAMICSNew York Journal of MathematicsNonlinear analysis: real world applicationsNova prisutnostNumerical Algebra, Control and OptimizationNumerical AlgorithmsNumerical Linear Algebra with ApplicationsOperators and MatricesOptimization and EngineeringOptimization Letters Organization Technology and Management in Construction: an International JournalOsječki matematički listPacific Journal of MathematicsPattern RecognitionPattern Recognition LettersPeriodica Mathematica HungaricaPoljoprivredaPoslovna izvrsnostPoučakPrivredaProbStat ForumProceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical InstituteProceedings of the American Mathematical SocietyProceedings of the American Mathematical SocietyProceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A Mathematical sciencesProgress in Steel, Composite and Aluminium Structures: Proceedings of the XI Int Conf on Metal Structures (ICMS 2006), RzeszowPsychiatry and Clinical NeurosciencesPublicationes Mathematicae Quasigroups and Related SystemsRACSAMRad HAZU, Matematičke znanosti.Random operators and stochastics equationsRepresentation TheoryResearch in mathematics educationResults in engineeringResults in MathematicsRevista de Investigación en Didáctica de las Matemáticas RisksSarajevo Journal of MathematicsScientific Reports - NatureSIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications SIAM Journal on Scientific ComputingSocial Computing and Social MediaSomatosensory & Motor Research Southeastern European Medical JournalStatistička revijaStatistics & Probability LettersStatistics - a Journal of Theoretical and Applied StatisticsStatistics and its InterfaceStočarstvoStochastic Analysis and ApplicationsStochastic Environmental Research and Risk AssessementStochastic Processes and their ApplicationsStochastics - An International Journal of Probability and Stochastics ProcessesStudentStudia scientiarum mathematicarum HungaricaSustainabilitySuvremena psihologijaSystems and Control LettersTaiwanese journal of mathematics Teaching mathematics and computer scienceTehnički glasnikTehnički vjesnikTekstilTESTThe American Mathematical MonthlyThe Electronic Journal of e-LearningThe European Journal of PsychiatryThe IMA Journal of Numerical AnalysisThe Journal of AnalysisThe Journal of AnalysisThe Mathematica JournalThe Mathematics Educator (Singapore)The R JournalTheoretical Computer ScienceTheory of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsTheory of Stochastic Processes TomographyTopology and its ApplicationsTransactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical InstituteTransactions of FAMENATransactions of the American Mathematical SocietyTurkish Journal of MathematicsVibration Problems ICOVP 2011, Springer Proceedings in PhysicsVietnam Journal of MathematicsWSEAS Transactions on Business and EconomicsZDM – Mathematics EducationŽivot i školaInternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Unos časopisa u bazu 1ISSN:* Naziv:* Unesi * Obavezna polja1Unosi se ISSN za online izdanje ukoliko postoji, inače za print izdanje © 2025 Fakultet primijenjene matematike i informatike