Journal publications
- N. Antonić, K. Burazin
- Graph representation for asymptotic expansion in homogenisation of nonlinear first-order equations
- Annali dell’Universita di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche. 53 (2007), 2: 149–176
- K. Burazin
- Estimates on the weak solution of semilinear hyperbolic systems
- Annali dell’Universita di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche. 54 (2008) 229–243
- N. Antonić, K. Burazin
- Graph spaces of first-order linear partial differential operators
- Mathematical Communications 14 (2009), 1: 135-156
- N. Antonić, K. Burazin
- On equivalent descriptions of boundary conditions for Friedrichs systems
- Mathematica Montisnigri, vol XXII-XXIII (2009-2010) pages 5-13
- N. Antonić, K. Burazin
- Intrinsic boundary conditions for Friedrichs systems
- Communications in Partial Diferential Equations, 35 (2010), 9, 1690-1715
- N. Antonić, K. Burazin, M. Vrdoljak
- Connecting classical and abstract theory of Friedrichs systems via trace operator
- ISRN Mathematical Analysis, vol. 2011, Article ID 469795, 14 pages, 2011. doi:10.5402/2011/469795
- N. Antonić, K. Burazin, M. Vrdoljak
- Heat equation as a Friedrichs system
- Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 404 (2013), 537-553
- N. Antonić, K. Burazin, M. Vrdoljak
- Second-order equations as Friedrichs systems
- Nonlinear analysis: real world applications. 14 (2014), 1; 290-305
- N. Antonić, M. Vrdoljak
- Homogenisation theory for Friedrichs systems
- Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, accepted
Proceedings Papers
- N. Antonić, K. Burazin
- On certain properties of spaces of locally Sobolev functions
- Proceedings of the conference on Appl. Mathematics and Scientific Computing, (Eds. Z. Drmač, M. Marušić, Z. Tutek) Springer, 2005. pp. 109-120
- On certain properties of spaces of locally Sobolev functions
Professional Papers
- K. Burazin
- Nelinearne diofantske jednadžbe
- Osječki matematički list 7 (2007)
- Nelinearne diofantske jednadžbe
- K. Burazin, Z. Tomljanović, I. Vuksanović
- Prigušivanje mehaničkih vibracija
- math.e, accepted
- Prigušivanje mehaničkih vibracija