The registration fee for all participants is 220 euros.

The registration fee covers the price of accommodation during five nights, breakfasts and lunches, refreshments during breaks, social program costs (welcome reception, conference dinner and excursion), conference materials and proceedings. Keynote speakers do not pay the registration fee.


The registration fee should be paid to: Department of Mathematics
J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek
Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6
HR-31000 Osijek
with participant's name and obligatory designation "For the 18th EYSM".


If the payment is done in HRK If the payment is done in EUR
Hypo Alpe Adria Bank d.d. Privredna banka Zagreb
Address: Slavonska avenija 6, 10000 Zagreb Address: Račkog 6, 10 000 Zagreb
ACCOUNT NO.: 2500009-1402000049 ACCOUNT NO: 702000-132344-422
Poziv na broj: 2013 BIC CODE: PBZGHR2X
IBAN CODE: HR7423400091510297142

Please send the scanned version of the receipt to the official conference e-mail address with the subject "Your name - payment". Please include also the name, address and tax number you wish to have in the receipt.

The International Year of Statistics (Statistics2013)